Providing high energy diet is an important feeding strategy for beef cattle during the fattening period. However, this strategy can cause an elevation of internal body temperature and let the beef cattle exposure to heat stress, particularly during hot summer season. Negative effects associated with heat stress include suppression of appetite and intake and it can result in a decline of productivity (
Mader et al., 2002;
Mader and Davis, 2004). The present study investigated the optimum blending of protected fat, choline and yeast culture for an effective additive in reducing internal body temperature and determined its effect. Optimization of blending was conducted using fractional factorial design and response surface modeling and it was calculated based on maximizing VFA production and minimizing biogas production. The optimized additive reduced rumen and rectal temperatures without suppressing feed intake. This suggests that its mode of action is not associated with a suppressed dry matter intake. Generally, animals reduce DMI under hot environments as a way of trying to bring their metabolic heat production in line with their heat dissipation mechanism (
Gaughan et al., 2002). The ambient temperature at which ruminants begin to reduce dry matter intake is 30°C at a relative humidity below 80% (
Bernabucci et al., 2010). The normal rectal temperature is 38±0.5°C (
Shearer and Beede, 1990). In the present study, higher rectal temperatures were observed, indicating the experimental environment conditions were effective in inducing excessive heat load. The rumen temperature was lower than the rectal temperature as is expected. Rumen temperatures are rated as more reliable than rectal temperatures (
Shearer and Beede, 1990). The observed interaction between energy levels and additive in rumen temperature demonstrated that the additive was more effective in reducing rumen temperature when included in the high energy level diet. The observed reduction in excessive body heat load when diets were supplemented with feed additive may be attributed to; firstly, prevalence of more energy-efficient pathways (
Russell, 2007). In the current study, supplementation of diets with the additive resulted in greater propionate production. The propionate pathway consumes metabolic hydrogen and hence less hydrogen is lost in the form of methane. This pathway is likely to generate less heat compared to less energy efficient pathways. Methane represents a significant energy loss to the animal of up to 12% of dietary energy consumed (
Johnson and Johnson, 1995). The second possible explanation is a by-pass of ruminal fermentation, which can effectively reduce heat generated during fermentation (
Russell, 2007). The additive used in this study contained protected fat. Rumen protection of feedstuffs promotes post-ruminal metabolism of the nutrients. Although in our current study the nutrient flow to post-ruminal sites was not determined, we assume this could, at least, explain the observed reduction in rumen and rectal temperatures. The proportions of the individual VFA and consequently the A/P ration were significantly influenced by either the dietary energy concentration, inclusion of additive and/or the interaction between the two. Low energy diets are high in forage hence higher in cellulose and lower in starch. Cellulolytic bacteria and saccharolytic bacteria are more active under such a feeding regime, resulting in high acetic acid production. In contrast, with high starch diets, more propionic acid is produced by the predominantly amylolytic bacteria population (
Owens and Goetsch, 1988). Several components of the additive have previously been observed to increase ruminal propionate production. Researchers have found zinc, especially organic zinc to alter the VFA proportion in favour of propionate (
Spears et al., 2004). In a study by
Busquet et al. (2005), cinnamon altered VFA proportions, reducing the polar proportions of acetate whilst increasing propionate production. Similar alterations in VFA were observed in this study and the inclusion of cinnamon could explain this outcome. The results of the present study showed a significant interaction between additive and energy level in acetate production (p<0.05). A reduction in acetate production was observed in the high energy diet after supplementing with the feed additive.
Cardozo et al. (2005) also suggested a significantly lower A/P ratio in the high concentrate diets. However, contrary to findings by the same researchers, this study did not show a reduction in NH
3-N production in high energy diets. Rather, a reduction was recorded in the low energy level diet. Dietary fat has been used to achieve high energy density diets that successfully reduced animal’s body heat load (
Beede and Shearer, 1991). The high heat increment associated with fiber is related to losses of combustible gases and metabolic heat from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation through the oxidation of short chain fatty acids (SCFA). The ATP gains from oxidation of SCFA is less energy efficient than ATP synthesis from the oxidation of glucose (
Renaudeau et al., 2012). Fats are also utilized more efficiently compared to carbohydrates and proteins, aiding in the reduction of heat increment (
Baldwin et al., 1980). However, dietary fats have traditionally limited to less than 5% in order to avoid the negative effects on rumen fermentation (
Byers and Schelling, 1988). This problem can be overcome by using rumen-protected fats. It was reported that dietary supplementation with choline could improve growth performance of finishing cattle without negatively affecting carcass characteristics (
Bryant et al., 1999;
Drouillard et al., 1999;
Bindel et al., 2000).
Bryant et al. (1999) postulated that the improvements could be due to alterations in lipid metabolism and/or transport. This is a possibility considering that
Drouillard et al. (1999) observed an interaction between dietary fat and supplemental choline.
Yang et al. (2010) also observed that cinnamaldehyde, particularly if included early in the feeding period of feedlot steers, may help promote intake and reduce the effects of heat stress. In this study, the feed additive had no effects on ruminal NH
3-N production. The forage to concentrate (F/C) ratio however, tended to affect the rumen NH
3-N content (p = 0.0503). There was a significant effect of dietary energy level and additive interaction (p<0.01) on NH
3-N. Adding feed additive in a high energy level diet increased the NH
3-N output whilst reducing its production in a low energy diet. Essential oils mainly reduce ruminal NH
3-N production by selectively inhibiting bacteria involved in deamination of excess amino acids. Cinnamon and its products have been shown to selectively inhibit rumen bacteria and hence improve the feed efficiency in the rumen (
Yang et al., 2010). It has been noted to reduce deamination by means of selectively inhibiting
Prevotella spp. (
Ferme et al., 2004). Deamination is another metabolic process that can increase rumen metabolic heat generation (
Renaudeau et al., 2012). The additive reduced deamination in the high forage diet whilst promoting protein recycling in the high concentrate diet. Stevioside is another essential oil that has been successfully used as a growth promoter. It is the active compound in stevia, a perennial shrub indigenous to Brazil and Paraguay. It was reported to possess anti-microbial properties (
Atteh et al., 2008). In a review by
Renaudeau et al. (2012), it was noted that fungal culture can alleviate the effects of elevated ambient temperature on ruminants. Yeast are generally classified in the kingdom fungi and hence the addition of yeast culture in the feed additive could have aided in the observed reduction in the core body temperature. Other researchers have suggested that yeast culture is one of the means of manipulating rumen fermentation to improve production performance and fiber digestion (
Carro et al., 1992). Possibly of greater biological significance is the observation that yeast culture stimulates the rate of VFA production (
Gray and Ryan, 1989). Organic zinc has also been observed to alter VFA proportions (
Spears et al., 2004). Other researchers observed that organic zinc, compared to inorganic zinc, improved growth (
Spears, 1989) and carcass characteristics (
Greene et al., 1988;
Spears and Kegley, 2002) of cattle. Although there were significant differences (p<0.01) between treatments in pH, the observed values were within optimal pH ranges for rumen bacterial activity (
Owens and Goetsch, 1988). High energy diets, which were higher in the concentrate proportion, resulted in lower pH as expected. They contained highly digestible carbohydrates which result in the production of larger amounts of acids than the rate of their absorption compared to high forage diets (
Owens and Goetsch, 1988). An accumulation of the acids results in lower pH values.