The Influence of Feed Energy Density and a Formulated Additive on Rumen and Rectal Temperature in Hanwoo Steers
Sangbuem Cho (Cho S), David Tinotenda Mbiriri (Mbiriri DT), Kwanseob Shim (Shim K), A-Leum Lee (Lee AL), Seong-Jin Oh (Oh SJ), Jinho Yang (Yang J), Chaehwa Ryu (Ryu C), Young-Hoon Kim (Kim YH), Kang-Seok Seo (Seo KS), Jung-Il Chae (Chae JI), Young Kyoon Oh (Oh YK), Nag-Jin Choi (Choi NJ)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2014;27(11):1652-1662.   Published online 2014 Oct 16     DOI:
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