Migration of the primordial germ cells and gonad formation in the early chicken embryo |
Y. H. Hong, D. S. Seo, D. K. Jeong, K. D. Choi, J. Y. Han |
Abstract |
In this study, characteristics of chick primordial germ cells(PGCs), which is the founder cell of the germline, and gonadal development of the chick embryo between 12hrs and 6 day of incubation were investigated by transverse serial sections of chick embryos under the light microscopic observatiom. In embryo stage 20 (3 day of incubation), there are a lot of PGCs at the mesenchym, whick were moving to the thickened epithelium(gonadal redgd). The PGCs arrive at both right and left gonad primordial in equal number prior to stage 24(4 day of incubation), but in the following stages, the distribution of the PGCs became asymmetrical. More PGCs solonized the left than the right gonad, but the reason for the unequal distribution of PGCs is uncertain. The PGCs have mostly settled in the gonadal ridge(GR) at 6 day embryo. This study was conducted to investigate characteristics of the PGC migration and gonadal formation and observe the best condition for PGC isolation, culture and to attempt the possibility of the production for transgenic germline chimeras with manipulated PGCs. |
Primordial Germ Cell; Gonadal Ridge; Serial Section; Chick Embryo |