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Poultry and Laboratory Animal Nutrition
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2011;24(8): 1136-1141.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2011.11006    Published online June 22, 2011.
Effect of Dietary Essential Oils on Growth, Feed Utilization and Meat Yields of White Leg Shrimp L. vannamei
J. D. Kim, T. M. Nhut, T. N. Hai, C. S. Ra
Effect of dietary essential oils on growth, feed utilization and meat yields of white leg shrimp L. vannamei was investigated. White shrimp fry weighing 0.62 g were kept in one of 12 tanks (75 head/500 L holding tank) in a closed recirculation system. Four experimental diets, a commercial diet (control), phytoncide oil (PO), oregano oil (OO) and fermented garlic liquid (GL) were fed for 16 weeks. The mean water quality values for the whole experimental period were 27.81C, 7.60.3, 15.50.3 g/L and 6.1 0.3 mg/L for water temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen, respectively. At the end of the trial, 10 shrimp per tank were randomly sampled and meat yields (%) were evaluated after peeling the shell and removing the head. After a 16 week feeding trial, final weight of shrimp ranged from 21.9 g to 23.6 g. Feed conversion was not significantly different among groups (p>0.05), which was the lowest (1.95) in the control and highest (2.30) in the PO. Specific growth rate was also not significantly different (p>0.05) and ranged from 3.18% to 3.25%. Average daily gain of 0.2 g was obtained in all treatments. Mortality varied from 35.1% for control to 44.9% for OO. Meat yields maintained constant at 52.1% for control to 53.0% for PO. The study suggested that natural essential oils could not exert any improvement in growth performance, mortality and meat yields of white leg shrimp.
Keywords: White Shrimp (L. vannamei); Essential Oils; Growth; Mortality; Meat Yields

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