Subfertility in Males: An Important Cause of Bull Disposal in Bovines |
C. S. Mukhopadhyay, A. K. Gupta, B. R. Yadav, K. Khate, V. S. Raina, T. K. Mohanty, P. P. Dubey |
Abstract |
The study had two objectives, namely, to estimate the andrological disorders leading to disposal of Karan Fries (KF), Sahiwal cattle and Murrah buffalo bulls and to study the effect of various factors (species/breeds, season of birth and period of birth) on male reproductive parameters. Records on occurrence of subfertility problems and disposal pattern of bulls maintained at the National Dairy Research Institute herd were collected for 15 years (1991 to 2005). Percentage of bulls producing freezable semen was less in the crossbred cattle (58.46%) as compared to Sahiwal (81.69%) and Murrah bulls (81.05%). Various subfertility traits like poor libido and unacceptable seminal profile were found to be the significant reasons (p<0.01) for culling of the breeding bulls. Inadequate sex drive was the main contributing factor for bull disposal in Sahiwal (22.55%) and Murrah bulls (15.12%) whereas poor semen quality and freezability were most frequently observed in KF bulls (24.29 and 7.29 percent, respectively). Least squares analyses of different male reproductive parameters showed that species/breeds had significant effect (p<0.05) on all traits except for frozen semen production periods (FSPP). Periods of birth were significantly different (p<0.05) for all traits except for semen volume. Age at first semen collection (AFSC), age at first semen freezing (AFSF) and age at disposal (AD) were highest in Murrah, while frozen semen production period (FSPP) and semen production period (SPP) were highest in KF and lowest in Sahiwal. The age at first semen donation and breeding period could be reduced by introducing the bulls to training at an early age. These results revealed a declining trend in AFSC, AFSF, FSPP, SPP and AD, thereby indicating an improvement in reproductive performance over the years. The age at first semen donation in bovines can be reduced by introducing the young male calves to training at an early age, which could increase the dosage of semen obtained from each male. |
Bull Disposal; Subfertility; Semen Quality; Libido; Semen Freezability |