Catch per Unit Effort and Size Composition of Crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz 1823, in Lake İznik |
İsmet Balık, Ergun Özkök, Remziye Özkök |
Abstract |
This paper was carried out from 15 June to 24 December in 2000 in Lake ?znik of Turkey, to determine catch per unit effort (CPUE) and size composition of crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz 1823, captured by fyke-nets of local fishermen. The average CPUE of all size groups was found as 1.65 crayfish/fyke-net/night for fishing season in 2000, but 26.4% of which was below the legal minimum size (crayfish 90 mm). The average CPUE of legal-sized (crayfish 90 mm) crayfish was 1.10 crayfish/fyke-net/night. The annual catch of crayfish was estimated as 2990 tonnes. The length and weight compositions of crayfish captured in the fyke-nets have varied between 60 and 130 mm, and 6 and 71 g, respectively. The mean length and weight were found as 95.5 mm and 28.8 g for all size groups and 100.1 mm and 33.0 g for legal-sized individuals. |
Crayfish; Astacus leptodactylus; Fyke-Net; Catch per Unit Effort; Size Composition |