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Animal Reproduction and Physiology
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 1998;11(1): 65-70.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.1998.65    Published online February 1, 1998.
Comparative follicular dynamics in superovulated crossbred cows and water buffaloes
R. S. Manik, S. K. Singla, M. L. Madan
To understand the caused for poor response to superovulation in water buffalo compared to crossbred cows, follicular events, before start of superovulation, during superovulation and after superovulation were compared. Follicular development was monitored a day before start of superovulation, daily upto superestrus and on the day of flushing. A real time B mode diagnostic instrument equipped with a linear array, 5 MHz transducer was used in five crossbred cows and five Murrah buffaloes. Crossbred cows yielded significantly (p < 0.01) higher number of corpora lutea than buffaloes (21 vs 10). The mean number of small size (2 to 5 mm); medium size (6 to 9 mm) and large size (> 10mm) follicles, a day before start of superovulation were almost similar or even slightly higher in buffalo. Though initial shift in the mean number of follicles was higher in buffalo than cow, yet, from Day 2 to Day 3 of the treatment, the average increase in medium (3.2 vs 1.2) and large size (5.0 vs 2.0) follicles was higher in cows than buffaloes. The mean number of medium and large size follicles was 9.8 and 14.4 in cows and 6.4 and 7.6 in buffaloes. On the day of flushing, the number of large size follicle was more in buffaloes than cows, indicating the ovulation problem in this species. The major conclusion from this investigation was that, a day before start of superovulatory treatment, the number of small and medium size follicles was slightly higher in buffaloes, even then superovulatory response was better in cows, due to shift, recruitment and passage of follicles from smaller size to larger size from Day 2 of treatment. Ovulation problem in buffaloes was also responsible for lower superovulatory responses as revealed by the presence of higher number of large size follicles on the day of flushing.
Keywords: Superovulation; Cows; Buffaloes; Follicles; Ovulation

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