Urea-molasses-mineral block licks supplementation for milk production in crossbred cows |
Bandla Srinivas, B. N. Gupta |
Abstract |
Appropriation of partial substitution of concentrate mixture by urea-molasses-mineral block (UMMB) lick supplements for 20 lactating crossbred cows in 2nd and 3nd lactation was studied. Animals fed on wheat straw ad lib. and Berseem (Trifolium alaxandrium) fodder @ 1.5 kg/d on dry matter basis. Animals of control group were given concentrate supplement, while in treatment groups 10% of the concentrate requirement was substituted with 3 different types of UMMB lick type A (T1), type B (T2) and type C (T3). CP content of the ration was 15%. Total dry matter intake (DMI) was about 1.0 kg/kg of fat corrected milk (FCM) yield and was not significantly different between control and treatment groups. Digestibility of neither proximate principles nor cell wall constituents were deviated on UMMB licks partial supplementation. FCM yield was increased by 140, 410 and 460 g/d, in T1, T2 and T3, respectively, in comparison to control group but differences were statistically invalid. Though fat per cent was reduced, fat yields were remain constant among treatments. Vilk composition was unaltered except significant difference (p < 0.01) in non-protein nitrogen (NPN) content. Gross-N and digestible-N conversion was significantly higher (p < 0.01) with T1, T2 and T3 than control group. Energy utilization efficiency for milk production was only 36%. Result demonstrated that UMMB licks could be partial supplemented up to 10% of the concentrate requirement of crossbred cows yielding on an average 14kg/d without any adverse effect on feed intake, nutrient utilization and mild production. Comparatively, UMMB lick type B and C was proved better than type A and also economically viable. |
Urea-molasses-mineral Block Lick; Supplementation; Milk Production |