Data and statistical analysis
The data comprised of 25,789 test-day milk yield and milk composition records of 1,468 cattle from Lactation 1 to 3 of HF and crossbred HF dairy cattle that calved between 1990 and 2015. The total number of sires, dams and individual animals in the pedigree file were 287, 1,237 and 4,753 respectively. The data consist of cow number, birth date, calving date, drying date, parity, lactation length, monthly or test-day records of milk yield, fat and protein percentage (FP and PP). The records of cows with less than three test-day milk yield records were excluded. The animals were classified into five breed groups (BG) based on the percentage of HF blood (HFB) as 1 (HFB≤75), 2 (75<HFB≤87.5), 3 (87.5<HFB≤93.75), 4 (93.75<HFB≤99.99) and 5 (HFB = 100). Calving months were grouped into three seasons, namely winter (November to February), summer (March to June) and rainy (July to October).
The Wood model [
4] specifies the expected milk yield on day t of lactation, and has the following form, the shape depending on the three parameters:
where W(t) is the theoretical or expected milk yield at day t, k is a scalar factor and equal to logea, b is related to the rate of increase prior to the peak and c is related to the rate of decrease after the peak. The expected milk yield for cow-lactation i on days-in-milk t can be fitted as the following nonlinear mixed model:
where ɛij is the random effect associated with records. Random effects for each cow’s lactation (i) are indicated as deviations (Ki, Bi, Ci) from the fixed effect means:
and are assumed to have a multivariate normal distribution as follows:
The parameters (
c) were chosen over (
c), as similar to the analyses by Hall [
8], based on the preliminary fixed effects model, the former showed a better approximation to a multivariate normal distribution than did the latter (data not shown), a requirement for the nonlinear mixed model specification.
Cumulative milk yield to day
T (day 305) was then obtained as
MILKW=∫0TW(t)dt. Fitting of the Wood model as a nonlinear mixed model was conducted using the nlme package in R [
9] and calculation of cumulative milk yield through use of the pgamma function in R. The parameters derived from Wood model were used to calculate lactation curve characteristics namely peak milk yield (PMILK =
be−b), days to peak milk yield (DPMILK =
c) and persistency (S =
c−(b+1)) [
4] (PSMILK = log
e(S) = log
c−(b+1)) = −(
The 305-day milk yield (MILKTI) calculated by using the TIM [
10] with adjustment for the last term as follows:
where M1, M2, …, Mn are the weights (kg), given to one decimal place, of the milk yield in the 24 hours of the recording day, I1, I2, …, In−1 are the intervals, in days, between recording dates, I0 is the interval, in days, between the lactation period start date and the first recording date and In is the interval, in days, between the last recording date and the end of the lactation period. The FP and PP were averaged over the lactation and used for subsequent analysis.
To obtain estimates of genetic parameters, univariate linear mixed models were fitted to each of the seven traits (MILKW, MILKTI, PMILK, DPMILK, PSMILK, FP, and PP), with a separate model for each of the three lactations. The fixed effects of each model comprised herd (Herd), BG, year and season of calving (YSOC); and the random effects were animal linked to a pedigree, and residual error. The form of each model was
where yijkl is an observation of the trait on animal l; μ is the overall mean; Herdi is the fixed effect of herd (level, 1 to 3); YSOCj is the fixed effect of year and season of calving (level, 1 to 78); BGk is the fixed effect of BG (level, 1–5); Animl is the random animal effect; and eijkl is the random residual effect. Heritability was estimated using REML estimates for
h2=σA2/(σA2+σe2), where
σA2 and
σe2 are the additive genetic and residual variances. Estimated breeding values for each trait were also produced from the fitted univariate models.
Following this a repeatability model was fitted to all three lactations simultaneously, via the following model:
where all terms are as defined previously, with the addition of Lactm, the fixed effect of lactation m (m = 1, 2, 3); and Pel, the random ‘permanent environment’ term for animal l. For this model, heritability was estimated as
h2=σA2/(σA2+σpe2+σe2) where
σpe2 is the permanent environment variance, and repeatability as
The set of univariable models at each lactation was ex tended to a series of pairwise bivariate models, for each pair of traits using the same terms as the univariate model, to allow estimation of genetic and phenotypic correlations between traits in the same lactation and in the same trait between two different lactations. Model fitting of these univariate and bivariate models was conducted using ASReml-R [