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Ruminant Nutrition and Forage Utilization
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2005;18(10): 1407-1413.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2005.1407    Published online December 1, 2005.
Effect of Undegradable Dietary Protein Level and Plane of Nutrition on Lactation Performance in Crossbred Cattle
M. Ravi Kumar, D. P. Tiwari, Anil Kumar
An experiment was conducted in order to assess the effect of level of RDP:UDP ratio and level of feeding concentrate on milk yield, milk composition and nutrient utilization in lactating crossbred cattle. Twenty four medium producing (~10 kg/d, 45 to 135 days postpartum) lactating crossbred cows were divided into four groups of six animals each in a 2횞2 factorial completely randomized design. The cows in group 1 were fed concentrate mixture I containing 59:41 RDP:UDP ratio (low UDP) at normal plane (LUDP+NP), in group 2 were fed low UDP ration at 115% of NRC (1989) requirements (LUDP+HP), whereas cows in group 3 were fed concentrate mixture II containing 52:48 RDP:UDP ratio (high UDP) at normal plane (HUDP+NP) and in group 4 were fed high UDP ration at 115% of NRC (1989) requirements (HUDP+HP). Green jowar was fed ad libitum as the sole roughage to all the animals. The experimental feeding trial lasted for 105 days. The total dry matter intake (DMI), DMI/100 kg body weight, DMI/kg W0.75, digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, CF, EE and NFE and intakes of TDN and DCP did not differ significantly among the different groups and also due to both UDP level and plane of nutrition and also due to their interaction. The total dry matter intake varied from 145 g in group 1 (LUDP +NP) to 152.57 g/kg W 0.75 in group 2 (LUDP+HP) diet. However, increase in milk yield with increased UDP level and also with increased plane of nutrition was observed consistently throughout the experimental period. The average milk yield was 7.66, 8.15, 8.64 and 9.35 kg in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively and there was no significant difference in milk yield among different groups of cows. The overall daily average milk yields in cows fed with low and high UDP diets were 7.91 and 8.99 kg, respectively and at normal and higher plane of feeding the milk yields were 8.15 and 8.75 kg/day, respectively. Thus, there was 13.65% increase in milk yield due to high UDP level and 7.36% due to higher plane of feeding. The daily 4% FCM yields were 9.20 kg for low UDP diet and 10.28 kg for high UDP diet, whereas it was 9.11 kg at normal plane of feeding and 10.37 kg at higher plane of feeding. Fat yields for the corresponding treatment groups were 0.37, 0.43, 0.41 and 0.48 kg, respectively. The 4% FCM yield and also fat yield did not differ significantly among different dietary treatments and also due to UDP level and plane of nutrition, however, 4% FCM yield was increased by 11.74% with high UDP level and 13.83% with higher plane of feeding. The values for total solids, fat, lactose, solids-not-fat and gross energy contents in milk differed significantly (p<0.05) among the different groups and were significantly (p<0.05) higher in milk of cows fed LUDP+HP diet followed by HUDP+HP diet. Total solids (14.65 and 13.83%), lactose (5.44 and 4.92%), solids-not-fat (9.44 and 8.83%) and gross energy (887 and 838 kcal/kg) of milk decreased significantly (p<0.05) with increased UDP level while total solids (13.84 and 14.64), fat (4.84 and 5.36%) and gross energy (832 and 894 kcal/kg) increased significantly (p<0.05) with increase in plane of feeding. Gross and net energetic efficiencies and also gross and net efficiencies of nitrogen utilization for milk production were not significantly different among different groups and also were not affected significantly due to either UDP levels or plane of feeding. Results of the present study suggest that, increasing UDP level from 41% to 48% of CP in concentrate mixture and also increasing plane of feeding from normal (100%) to 115% of NRC requirements maintain a consistently higher milk production.
Keywords: Undegradable Dietary Protein; Rumen Degradable Protein; Plane of Nutrition; Milk Yield; Crossbred Cows

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