Utilization of Reconstituted High-tannin Sorghum in the Diets of Broiler Chickens |
Vinod Kumar, A. V. Elangovan, A. B. Mandal |
Abstract |
The present experiment was conducted to assess the effect of reconstitution (R) on utilization of red sorghum (S) in diets of broiler chickens. Day-old broiler chicks (n=360) were randomly divided into 36 groups of 10 chicks each, and 9 dietary treatments were allotted to 4 groups (replicates) in a completely randomized design. Out of the 9 treatments, one was corn-soy based control (D1). The rest of the treatments were diets consisting of four levels (25, 50, 75 and 100% part of corn) of raw red sorghum (S25-S100) or four levels of reconstituted red sorghum (RS25-RS100). The tannin content reduced from 2.3% to 1.6% after reconstitution of red sorghum. Body weight gain reduced significantly (p<0.01) in diets containing unprocessed red sorghum beyond 33% in diet or reconstituted red sorghum at any level. However, during finishing growth phase the birds receiving either processed or unprocessed sorghum (barring S75) had statistically similar gains in body weight. During over all growth phase (0-6 wk), live weight gains in all the dietary treatments did not differ statistically. Feed intake during 0-6 wk was significantly higher (p<0.05) in diets containing sole red sorghum than corn-soy based control diets Feed conversion ratio during 0-3 wk period in control and unprocessed red-sorghum diets were similar but statistically poorer (p<0.01) FCR emanated from reconstituted groups, while during 3-6 wk of age FCR was poorer (p<0.05) in diets containing 75% red sorghum, either processed or unprocessed. FCR, in overall growth phases, in control diet was statistically similar to the groups fed diets containing up to 33% unprocessed or 16% reconstituted group. The carcass traits and yield of organs did not differ (p>0.05) due to the various levels of red-sorghum. It was concluded that though the tannin content was reduced by 30% by the reconstitution process, but this did not give any additional advantage in broiler performance. More over, red-sorghum can be used effectively up to 33% in diet replacing 50% of corn after proper adjustment of proteins, energy and amino acids. |
Red Sorghum; Reconstitution; Broiler; Tannin; Growth Performance; Carcass Traits |