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Animal Breeding and Genetics
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2004;17(12): 1705-1711.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2004.1705    Published online January 1, 2004.
Interaction of Breed-by-chitosan Supplementation on Growth and Feed Efficiency at Different Supplementing Ages in Broiler Chickens
Y. O. Suk
Three experiments were conducted to investigate the interaction of breed-by-chitosan supplementation on the major economic traits in broiler chickens. In experiment 1, one-day-old broiler chicks were fed ad libitum on a basal diet (CON-group) or basal diet containing chitosan at an inclusion level of 10.5 mg/bird/day (EXP-group). The EXP-group birds in experiments 2 and 3 were supplemented from 15 day-old by the same amount of chitosan used in experiment 1. In experiment 1, the mean body weight of the EXP-group chickens was significantly (p<0.05) heavier in comparison with those of CON-group birds from day 21 of the experiment. Especially in 35 day-old mean body weight, the EXP-group birds of Arbor Acres, Peterson, and Ross were significantly (p<0.05) heavier by 121.8 g, 118.5 g, and 242.8 g than the CON-group birds, respectively. However, the mean body weights in experiments 2 and 3 did not significantly differ between the CON-group birds and the EXP-group birds fed with chitosan supplementation from day 15 post birth. In the comparisons among breeds on the mean body weight at 35 day-old, the birds of Arbor Acres were significantly (p<0.05) heavier than ones of Peterson or Ross; however, there were no significant differences between Peterson and Ross or Cobb and Ross birds in overall in the experiments. The mean 15-35 d FCR of the EXP-group birds in experiment 1 were significantly (p<0.05) lower at least in two of the three breeds (Arbor Acres and Ross breeds) than that of the CON-group birds. None of the mean 15-35 d FCR in either experiment 2 or 3 showed significant differences between groups within a breed. In all three experiments, the differences amongst breeds in the mean 15-35 d FCR were not great either. Significant differences were not generally shown in the mean percentage of abdominal fat deposition between groups within a breed in overall experiments except in the Cobb breed in experiment 3. The mean percentages of abdominal fat deposition were significantly (p<0.05) lower in Ross birds than in Arbor Acres or Peterson birds and in Cobb birds than in Ross birds. By the results of the analysis of variance, the interaction of breed-by-diet (chitosan) supplementation on any of the major economic traits including mean percentage of abdominal fat deposition was not significant in overall experiments. Results of these experiments indicate that dietary supplementation with chitosan for the improvement of growth or feed conversion ratio in broilers has an efficacy when the supplementation begins from day-old.
Keywords: Broiler; Breed; Chitosan; Body Weight; Feed Conversion Ratio

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