Estrus Behavior and Superovulatory Response in Black Bengal Goats (Capra hircus) Following Administration of Prostaglandin and Gonadotropins |
O. P. Mishra, P. G. Gawande, R. K. Nema, S. K. Tiwari |
Abstract |
The present study was conducted to explore the possibilities of estrus induction and superovulation in a native Indian breed of goats called `Black Bengal`. Forty-two adult non-pregnant females were divided in two groups, of which 18 goats were subjected to a superovulatory treatment comprising of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), Prostaglandin (PGF2慣) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce superovulation. The remaining 24 goats received no treatment and served as controls for the parameter under study as well as recipients for embryo transfer studies. The average duration of estrus was found to be significantly increased in treated goats (34.2 3.4 h) compared to controls (23.0 2.4 h). The average duration between PGF administration and occurrence of estrus was 52.0 5.2 h. After mid ventral laparotomy, superovulatory responses indicated a significant increase in the number of follicles, which was 8.27 0.37 in the treatment group compared to 4.16 0.17 in the control group. The number of corpora lutea was also significantly increased in treated animals compared to control (2.90 0.86 vs. 0.74 0.04) respectively per ovary per goat. |
Superovulation; Goat; eCG; hCG; Embryo Transfer |