Nutritional Value of a Heterotrichous Ciliate, Fabrea salina with Emphasis on Its Fatty Acid Profile |
B. D. Pandey, S. G. Yeragi, A. K. Pal |
Abstract |
Fabrea salina is a hypersaline ciliate having importance as a live food source for juvenile stages of aquatic animals including smaller invertebrates. The analysis of this ciliate for proximate and biochemical composition was carried out. The moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate and ash content of F. salina from natural sources were 86.66 0.380, 56.66 0.494%, 36.66 0.614%, 1 0.073% and 4 0.182%, respectively. Gas chromatographic analysis (percent area below the curve) revealed that the presence of oleic acid was higher over other fatty acids in both natural and cultured F. salina. The absolute content of oleic acid was higher in natural (18.91% area) than in the cultured (10.74% area) F. salina. Linoleic and linolenic acids were also among major fatty acids with the percentage area of 16.29 and 14.58, respectively. The number of fatty acids in cultured Fabrea was less as compared to the natural ones and the oleic acid was followed by palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, linoleic acid and stearic acid. |
Ciliate; Fabrea salina; Proximate Composition; Fatty Acid Profile |