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Animal Breeding and Genetics
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2004;17(4): 538-542.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2004.538    Published online January 1, 2004.
Product Characteristics of Comminuted Sausages as Affected by Various Fat and Moisture Combinations
Koo Bok Chin, Hye Lan Lee, Soon Sil Chun
Comminuted sausages with reduced fat (25-0%) and increased moisture (19-44%) combinations were manufactured, and their chemical composition, and physico-chemical, textural and sensory properties were determined for the selection of the most palatable sausage treatment. The moisture and fat contents of the comminuted sausages varied from 55-79% and 26.4-2.14%, respectively, whereas, the protein content was relatively constant at 13.5-14.5%. Expressible moisture (EM, %) decreased with increased fat addition, and the high-fat control sausage (~25% fat) had lower EM than those with lower than 15% fat addition. Increased fat level also increased Hunter L values (lightness) of sausage samples taken from the core, and differences in lightness were observed between 15 and 25% fat level at the initial mixture. Sausages without fat addition had different textural characteristics from high-fat control sausages in most texture profile analysis (TPA) values. However, no differences in TPA values were observed among treatments with added fat (<25%) in the formulation. Results of the sensory evaluation showed that the most appropriate fat content of comminuted sausages to have better sensory properties ranged from 15-20% of added fat at the initial mixture. These results also indicated that decreased fat and increased moisture contents produce sausages with higher EM and lower lightness. Comminuted sausages without fat addition had different textural characteristics from the high-fat control.
Keywords: Physico-chemical; Textural and Sensory Properties; Comminuted Sausages; Fat Level

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