The Influence of Different Fiber and Starch Types on Nutrient Balance and Energy Metabolism in Growing Pigs |
J. F. Wang, Y. H. Zhu, D. F. Li, H. Jørgensen, B. B. Jensen |
Abstract |
A repeated 4 4 Latin square design was conducted with eight ileal cannulated castrates to examine the effect of source of starch and fiber on nutrient balance and energy metabolism. Pigs were fed on one of the four experimental diets: Control diet (C) mainly based on cooked rice; and diets P, S and W with the inclusion of either raw potato starch, sugar beet pulp or wheat bran supplementation, respectively. With the exception of an increased (p<0.05) energy loss from methane production with diet S observed, no significant differences (p>0.05) in the ratio of metabolizable energy (ME)/digestible energy, the utilization of ME for fat deposition and for protein deposition, energy loss as hydrogen and urinary energy were found between diets. The efficiency of utilization of ME for maintenance was lower (p<0.05) with diets P and S than with diet C. The inclusion of fiber sources (sugar beet pulp or wheat bran) or potato starch reduced the maintenance energy requirement. The fecal energy excretion was increased (p<0.05) with either sugar beet pulp or wheat bran supplementation, while it was unaffected (p>0.05) by addition of potato starch. In comparison with diets C and P, a lowered ileal or fecal digestibility of energy with diets S and W was observed (p<0.05). Feeding sugar beet pulp caused increased (p<0.05) daily production of methane and carbon dioxide and consequently increased energy losses from methane and carbon dioxide production, while it did not influence the daily hydrogen production (p>0.05). An increased (p<0.05) proportion of NSP excreted in feces was seen by the supplementation of wheat bran. Higher NSP intake caused an increased daily amount of NSP in the ileum, but the ileal NSP proportion as a percentage of NSP intake was unaffected by diets. Feeding potato starch resulted in increased daily amount of starch measured in the ileum and the proportion of ileal starch as a percentage of starch intake, while no significant influence on fecal starch was found. Higher (p<0.05) daily amount of fecal starch and the proportion of fecal starch as a percentage of starch intake were found with fiber sources supplementation compared with diets C and P. By increasing the dietary NSP content the fecal amount of starch increased (p<0.01). |
Energy Metabolism; Dietary Fiber; Potato Starch; Rice; Growing Pigs |