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Animal Breeding and Genetics
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2004;17(2): 179-182.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2004.179    Published online January 1, 2004.
FSHR Gene Mutation and Its Effect on Litter Size in Pigs
Shujun Zhang, Yuanzhu Xiong, Changyan Den, Senmu Xiao, Jianxiang Xu, Yu Xia, Xiaohua Liu, Chunfang Wang, Shulin Sun
The polymorphism of the locus FSHRB in intron6-Exon7 of FSHR gene was investigated by PCR-RFLPs in Erhualian, Large White and Landrace Large White; The association of polymorphism and litter size was analyzed by using SAS. The results showed that 1) the polymorphism of the locus FSHRB was significantly associated with litter size; 2) the total born number (TBN) and number born alive (NBA) of the sows with BB genotype were increased (p<0.05) with additive effects of 1.02-1.42 and 1.04-1.27 pigs per litter, respectively; 3) among the sows with genotype AA, AB or BB, there was an insignificant difference in born weight and weaning weight. This gene may be an effective potential tool used in conjunction with traditional selection methods
Keywords: FSHR Gene; Litter Size; Pig; Candidate Gene

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