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Animal Breeding and Genetics
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2002;15(8): 1178-1181.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2002.1178    Published online January 1, 2002.
Ear Type and Coat Color on Growth Performances of Crossbred Pigs
Y. H. Choy, G. J. Jeon, T. H. Kim, B. H. Choi, H. W. Chung
Records from a total of 202 crossbred pigs were classified by their ear type and coat color to examine the presence of interrelationships with growth performances. Crossbred pigs were F2 generations of full sib family out of ten Landrace sows bred by 5 Korean domestic boars. Heavily drooped ear type was predominant, 195 out of 202 pigs over the other two types (1 straight and 6 slightly drooped). Coat colors were classified as four categories, all white, all black, dominant white or dominant black. Ratio among coat color categories did not fall within Mendelian principle of independence regarding two loci involved. There was dependency between ear type and coat color. However, due to rarity of ear types other than heavy drooped, dependency comes from distribution of those rare ear types. Three least squares models to test the effect of ear type and coat colors on growth performances were analyzed. First model analyzed effects on birth weight, body weight at 3 and 6 weeks and ADG''''s before weaning and between 3 and 5 weeks of age. This model included sex in addition to ear type and coat color. Second model analyzed postweaning growth traits (initial weight, final weight and ADG between these periods) upon initiation of performance testing. This model included effects of sex, test group and start age (as a covariate) in addition. Third model was fit for fasted weight before slaughter and included the effects of sex, test group and age at slaughter (as a covariate). The effects of sex and ear type were not significant source of variation for all traits. Test group was a significant source of variation for all the postweaning traits. Effect of coat color was not significant until the initiation of performance testing and became significant then after. Least squares means of dominantly black pigs were significantly lower than the other three coat colored pigs in final weight around 195 days of age and in ADG from the start of performance test and final weight measure
Keywords: Crossbred; Ear Type; Coat Color; Growth

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