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Animal Products
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2001;14(11): 1634-1637.
https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2001.1634    Published online November 1, 2001.
Studies on Milk Allantoin and Uric Acid in Relation to Feeding Regimens and Production Performance in Buffaloes
P. Sikka, N. K. Saxena, R. Gupta, R. K. Sethi, D. Lall
Allantoin and uric acid were estimated in milk to study the association between the levels of these purine derivatives and milk production per day under given feeding regimens. Keeping the stage of lactation, parity and initial milk yield in view thirty lactating buffaloes were randomly selected from early lactating group. All the animals were fed 30 kg green, 2 kg straw and 5 kg concentrate mixture on per animal/day basis at basal level up to 8 l produce. 1 kg concentrate mixture, soaked cotton seed and boiled cotton seed was fed for every 2 l milk, respectively in Group I (control), Group II and Group III animals. Average milk Allantoin and Uric acid levels were 120 11.7 g/ml and 4.03 0.63 g/ml, respectively in milk. Cotton seed feeding enhanced the milk production significantly (p<0.01) in comparison to concentrate mixture fed control group animals. A significant difference (p<0.01) in milk allantoin levels was found over the different feeding management at higher level of production group animals. Study also revealed a significant negative correlation between the milk allantoin and production per day r=-0.43 (p<0.05).
Keywords: Allantoin; Uric Acid; Lactation; Buffaloes; Cotton Seed

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