Livestock Production under Coconut Plantations in Sri Lanka: 1. Social, Cultural and Economic Aspects of Buffalo Production |
T. N. Jayatileka, P. R. Weerakkody, M. N. M. Ibrahim |
Abstract |
The relevance and importance of buffalo production under coconut plantations in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka was studied in three districts (Bingiriya, Pannala, Kuliyapitiya). The objective of the study was to collect baseline information on socioeconomic and cultural aspects of buffalo production, with a view to promote and disseminate new technologies. The survey technique used consisted of a formal survey using a structured questionnaire (71 households) and rapid appraisal (55 households). The results indicate the existence of a wide stratification of dairy farmers which ranged from skilled dairy operators with high levels of production and management of efficiency to marginal subsistence farmers with low levels of productivity. The most frequent family size of households ranged from 4-5 members (58%), and the average family size was 4.7. The actual average land ownership accounts to 2.4 ha of upland and 0.5 ha of lowland, but when their accessibility to common property resources are taken into account, the land availability was assessed at 13 ha and 0.7 ha of upland and lowland, respectively. The highest average monthly income (Rs. 13,590) was received by farmers with off-farm employment (primary) who are also engaged in livestock production (secondary), and livestock contributed 43% of the total income. Livestock farmers who practised integrated crop farming as a secondary source of income received a monthly income of Rs. 10, 843, and those involved in crop production as the primary source received the lowest average income (Rs. 7,295). The survey revealed a high investment cost on concentrate feeds (47%) for milk production. However some farmers obtained higher milk yields (11 litres/cow/day) at lower ration costs, and this could be attributed to the entrepreneurship skills and management efficiency. The study area had a well developed market infrastructure for fresh milk, principally due to the existence of the Nestle''''s company and the Coconut Triangle Milk Union. On an average the producer collected Rs. 10 per litre of milk marketed. |
Buffalo; Coconut Plantation; Socio-Economic |