Effect of imported young bulls with higher genetic merit on genetic progress of Japanese holstein population |
Y. Terawaki, H. Shimizu, Y. Fukui |
Abstract |
The effect of imported young bulls on the genetic progress was examined in the Holstein dairy cattle population in Japan. The effect of the difference of mean genetic merit between imported and domestic young bulls (`genetic difference`) was recognized on the genetic progress of the domestic animals in the early stage of selection. On the other hand, the genetic progress of domestic animals were remarkably influenced by the genetic trend of imported young bulls (`genetic trend`) in the later stage. Import of young bulls originated from high genetic level of young bulls originated from high genetic level population improved the genetic progress of domestic population. But, the increase of the immigration ratio of imported young bulls (`immigration ratio`) did not influence linearly on the progress of the genetic merit of domestic animals. Even if `immigration ratio` was 100%, the genetic merit of domestic animals could not overcome the one of imported young bulls. In the later stage of selection, the genetic merit of domestic animals ran parallel to those of imported young bulls. |
Imported Young Bull; Genetic Progress; Japanese Holstein |