Effects of dietary RNA and adenine on feed intake and kidney weight and function in adult cockerels |
T. Kubota, Y. Karasawa |
Abstract |
This study was conducted with adult cockerels to determine whether dietary RNA affects feed intake and renal weight and function, and if the responses are similar to dietary adenine. Chickens were ad libitum fed a RNA diet (100 g/kg) or an adenine diet (9.1 g/kg) for 14 d and catheterized in right jugular vein, hepatic portal vein and both urethers, and saline together with para-amino hippuric acid and sodium thiosulfate was continuously infused into them to evaluate rena functions. Dietary RNA reduced feed intake and body weight, and dietary adenine increased kidney weight expressed as a proportion of body weight (P < 0.05). Feed intake and body weight on the adenine diet and kidney weight on the RNA diet showed similar though non significant tendencies. No calculi were detected in the kidney in chickens fed either the RNA or adenine diets. Plasma inorganic phosphate (IP), Ca and 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3 concentrations were increased by dietary RNA and adenine, although the increases of IP and Ca in adenine-fed chickens were not significant. Uric acid and urea concentrations in the blood plasma were unaffected by dietary RNA or adenine. Both dietary RNA and adenine increased renal blood flow rates 3.5 - 3.7 fold, renal plasma flow rates 3.4 - 3.7 fold and glomerular filtration rates (GFR) 2.9 - 3.0 fold (p < 0.01). Clearance of urea, IP and Ca were also enhanced by dietary RNA, but not by dietary adenine. However, neither RNA nor adenine affected uric acid clearance. Only IP clearance was significantly augmented at the glomerular level by dietary RNA (p < 0.05). Glomerular filtration of uric acid, urea, IP and Ca and reabsorption of urea, IP and Ca at the renal tubule were increased by dietary RNA and adenine (p < 0.05), whereas tubular secretion of uric acid was decreased by both dietary treatments. It is concluded that dietary adenine is effective in changing renal function and P and Ca metabolism in chickens. |
Chicken; Renal Function; RNA and Adenine Diet; Feed Intake |