Digestion of starch and nitrogen in different part of the alimentary canal of defaunated Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves |
L. C. Chaudhry, A. Srivastava |
Abstract |
Four Murrah male buffalo calves with an average body weight of 188 1.6 kg each fitted with rumen and abomasal cannula were subjected to defaunation followed by refaunation. The animals were offered wheat straw and a concentrate mixture. There was no difference in dry matter, starch and nitrogen intake in defaunated and refaunated vuffalo calves. Production of ruminal total volatile fatty acid and acetate : propionate ratio decreased(p<0.01) whereas, molar proportion of propionate increased (25.8 vs 19.4% p<0.01) in defaunated animals. Fermentation of starch in rumen increased(73.9 vs 65.8%, p<0.01) but in small intestine decreased(20.2 vs. 28.2%, p<0.05) in defaunated calves. The flow of non ammonia nitrogen(NAN) to abomasums(75.1 vs 68.6 g/d, p<0.01) and its digestion in small intestine(37,6 vs 32.5 g/d, p<0.01) was improved due to defaunation. However, No difference in the total tract digestibility of starch and nitrogen was found in defaunated and refaunated buffalo calves. |
Ciliate Protozoa; Buffalo Calves; Starch; Nitrogen |