Milk protein polymorphisms as genetic marker in Korean native cattle |
E. R. Chung, S. K. Han, T. J. Rhim |
Abstract |
Genetic variants of 慣s1-casein, 棺-casein, x-casein and 棺-lactoglobulin were investigated by starch urea gel electrophoresis in milk samples of 280 Korean native cattle. A new 棺-casein variant, designated 棺-casein A4, was found in milk samples of Korean native cattle. It has a much slower electrophoretic mobility than the 棺-casein A3 variant in acid gel. This new variant appeared together with either 棺-casein A1, A2 or B variant. Gene frequencies and genotypic frequencies were estimated. Gene frequencies of four milk protein loci in Korean native cattle were compared with those of imported cattle breeds raised in Korea and Japanese brown cattle. Gene frequencies were 慣s1-casein B .846, 慣s1-casein C .154; 棺-casein A1 .216, 棺-casein A2 .666, 棺-casein A4 .048, 棺-casein B .070; x-casein A .648, x-casein B .352; 棺-lactoglobulin A .148, 棺-lactoglobulin B .852. The population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at all milk protein loci. Gene frequencies of Korean native cattle were very similar to those of Japanese brown cattle. Interestingly, a new variant, 棺-casein A4, was found only in Korean native cattle and Japanese brown cattle. These results support the hypothesis that Korean native cattle were used in the development of the Japanese brown cattle. |
Milk Proteins; Genetic Polymorphisms; Genetic Markers; Korean Native Cattle |