Metal ion resistance of the bacteriocin producing enterococci |
A. Lauková, V. Kmet |
Abstract |
Ten bacteriocin-producing Enterococcus faecium strains with urease activity (1.10-6.2 nkat.mL-1) were isolated from the rumen of 2-8 weeks old calves. All strains were resistant aginst disodium arsenate at a minimal inhibition concentration - MIC 5g.L-1 and mercury chloride (MIC = 10-20 mg.L-1). Eight strains were resistant against silver nitrate (MIC = 40-50 mg.L-1) and three against antibiotics used. The resistance against six antibiotics was found in A23 strain. Values of adherence index ranged from 5.02 to 20.4 enterococci adhered per one epithelial cell of rumen wall. All isolates produced bacteriocins which inhibited the growth at least of one of five indicator organisms. The EF1 strain with a good affinity to the epithelial cell (15.2 1.2) produced bacteriocin substance with antimicrobial activity against grampositive and gramnegative indicator bacteria. |
Enterococci; Metal Ion Resistance; Bacteriocin; Rumen; Calves |