A study on nutritional status of trace minerals of cattle in Java in Indonesia |
H. Kumagai, N. Ishida, H. Katsumata, H. Yano, R. Kawashima, J. Jachja |
Abstract |
The nutritional status of trace minerals in cattle of Java in Indonesia was investigated by evaluating Cu, Fe, Mo, Zn and Mn concentrations in diets and livers, and Cu and Zn concentrations in blood plasma. Investigations were conducted on Jonggol (West Java), Malang (East Java) and Mojokerto (East Java) in both the rainy and the dry seasons in 1988. In Jonggol, low Cu concentrations in diets showing 7.1 mg/kg in the rainy season and 10.9 mg/kg in the dry season were observed and all plasma samples showed Cu concentrations below the critical level (0.65 關g/ml). Thirty percent of the liver samples in Malang and 54% of those in Mojokerto showed lower Cu concentrations than the critical level (75 mg/kg on a dry matter basis). Fe concentrations in diets from the three regions showed a wide variation of values ranging from 249 to 30,000 mg/kg. A large amount of Fe was accumulated in livers from Malang and Mojokerto, giving average concentrations of 498 mg/kg. Zn concentration in these samples showed deficient levels. Mo and Mn concentrations in diets and livers showed normal levels. |
Java in Indonesia; Cattle; Dietary Cu, Fe, Mo, Zn and Mn; Liver Cu, Fe, Mo, Zn and Mn; Plasma Cu and Zn |