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Effect of energy density and virginiamycin supplementation in diets on growth performance and digestive function of finishing steers2017 October;30(10)
Influence of Kaolinite Clay Supplementation on Growth Performance and Digestive Function in Finishing Calf-fed Holstein Steers 2016 November;29(11)
Effects of Linseed Oil or Whole Linseed Supplementation on Performance and Milk Fatty Acid Composition of Lactating Dairy Cows2014 July;27(7)
Effects of Calcium Fertilization on Oxalate of Napiergrass and on Mineral Concentrations in Blood of Sheep2011 December;24(12)
Effect of Methionine Supplementation on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Awassi Ram Lambs Fed Finishing Diets2008 June;21(6)