The effect of wilting on silage making from the viewpoint in connection with monsoon asia (A Review) |
S. Uchida, K. H. Kim, I. S. Yun |
Abstract |
In spite of the well confirmed advantages of wilting on the fermentation quality, wilting silages are difficult to make at optimum dry matter content. The prolonged wilting, especially in humid condition, result in lower water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) contents, extensive protein breakdown and sometimes higher total volatile fatty acid (VFA) during wilting an ensilage. Apart from difficulty of controlling moisture content, another problem associated with wilted silages is different evaluation on the potential productivity. In temperature climate of Asia, therefore further researches on the effects of wilting on the silage fermentation and potential productivity seen to be necessary. |
Biochemical Change; Dry Matter(DM) Evaluation; Nutritional Loss; Potential Productivity; Silage Fermentation; Wilting |