Physiological responses of growing rams to asbestos shading during summer |
E. E. Tharwat, S. O. Amin, A. A. Younis, E. A. Kotby |
Abstract |
Physiological reactions of 24 six months old (22.7 kg. body weight) Barki ram lambs, to hot summer conditions, as influenced by asbestos shading at Maryout area were studied. Animals (12 shaded and 12 Unshaded) developed hyperthermia during summer as their rectal temperature (RT) and respiration rate (RR) were always higher (p<0.01) than normal. Asbestos shading caused higher (p<0.05) RT and RR (39.5째C and 69.9 r.p.m. vs. 39.2 and 45.7 r.p.m.) of rams at morning (6-8 a.m.) which became lower (39.9째C and 104.3 r.p.m. vs. 40.1째C and 120.5 r.p.m.) in afternoon (2-4 p.m.) as compared to sun exposure. Shading also resulted in higher hematocrit value (PCV) (35.3% vs. 33.0%) and lower (p<0.05) daily weight gain (128.57 vs. 131.43 g). Diurnal (p<0.01) and monthly (p<0.05) RT and RR changes were closely associated with air temperature (AT) fluctuations. Monthly variation (p<0.05) in PCV was evident. Puberty was reached one month later in the shaded as compared to the unshaded group (265 vs. 232.3 day, respectively). It is concluded that asbestos shading prevents efficient heat dissipation to the sky by hyperthermic rams during summer nights. Construction materials for animal shelters are of extreme practical importance. |
Sheep; Shading; Physiological Reactions; Puberty; Summer |