Horses (
Equus caballus) have been domesticated by humans worldwide for over 6,000 years. Today, horses are mainly used in horse racing or in equestrian sports. Historically, Thoroughbred horses were selected for human domestication and use based on their agility, stamina, and speed. In Korea, Thoroughbred horses are mainly used in the horse industry; however, the Jeju horse is becoming more popular in this regard because of its uniqueness, availability, and importance in Jeju Island. The Jeju horse is a species native to Korea (Natural Monument number 347), having remained isolated from the mainland for a large amount of time. Thus, the species has become well-adapted to the specific environmental conditions and selection pressures of Jeju island. Compared to Thoroughbred horses, Jeju horses are short, slow, hardy, and have strong immune systems, likely owing to their highly enriched immune-related nonsynonymous genes [
1]. Therefore, the identification of Jeju horse-specific traits via comparative study would aid in the utilization and development of their useful characteristics [
Thoroughbred horse is the best breed for racing perfor mance [
4]. Thoroughbred horses have been intensively studied as model organisms in the study of exercise, especially at the molecular level, with the Thoroughbred horse genome being well-studied using RNA-seq and the associated epigenetics also receiving significant attention from academics [
6]. Comparative studies have investigated the differences between Thoroughbred and Jeju horses in order to identify genetic differences using microsatellites [
7] and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip arrays [
9]. In Jeju horses, nonsynonymous SNPs are overrepresented in immune response genes including toll-like receptor genes [
1]. Physical activity has numerous effects on a variety of metabolic processes in the body, including thermodynamic and physiological biochemical processes (the activity of enzymes, hormones, chemokines, and cytokines). For example, exercise induced-hypoxia results in coordinate changes in the expression of various genes that are responsible for the induction of associated physiological changes [
11]. Although many studies have investigated the physiological responses of Thoroughbred horses to exercise [
12], few have investigated changes in the physiological characteristics of Jeju horses in response to exercise.
The hematological and biochemical parameters of the blood provide important information about the health status and metabolism of animals, and it is often more practical to perform hematological assessments than muscle biopsies, which are comparatively more complex and introduce risks associated with animal anesthetization. Therefore, this study aimed to identify novel traits that could be used in breeding programs to improve the physical performance of Jeju horses and reduce associated exercise-related stresses.
Ten healthy horses (average age: 3.5 years old): five Jeju horses (Jeju group; n = 5) and five Thoroughbred horses (Thoroughbred group; n = 5) were used in the study. Heights and weights of Jeju horses were 115 to 125 cm and 244 to 249 kg, respectively. Whereas, heights and body weights of Thoroughbred horses were 150 to 173 cm and 450 to 500 kg, respectively. For health status of every horse was monitored for a week until the start date of experiment. Horses were observed without signs of injury, illness and medical records including; vital signs (heart rate, temperature, and respiration rate), ear, eye, nose, skin, coat, feet, limb, appetite, and attitude (bright and alert). Guidelines of horse managements were in compliance with international standards and “Korea Racing Authority” ( All procedures used in the experiment were approved by the Pusan National University-Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (Approval Number: PNU-2015-0864).
Physical exercise and sample collection
Horses were exercised (longeing; circle diameter 11 m) for 30 min without rest. Before and after exercise, rectal temperature of each horse was measured by thermometer. Heart rate was measured by stethoscope in beats per minute. Blood samples (approximately 20 mL) were collected from the jugular vein. Samples were then separated using BD Vacutainer spray-coated K2 ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) Tubes for hematological analysis. BD Vacutainer SST Tubes contain spray-coated silica and a polymer gel were used to facilitate serum biochemical and immunological analysis. BD Vacutainer Citrate Tubes and a 3.2% buffered sodium citrate solution were used in routine fibrinogen analyses. For each blood sample, the following biochemical parameters were assessed: cortisol level; activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, and alkaline phosphatase; total bilirubin; blood urea nitrogen (BUN); and creatinine (Cr) levels. Hematological parameters, including red blood cell (RBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), mean cell (or corpuscular) volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cell (WBC) count, proportion of blood immune cells (percentage of lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils), platelet count, fibrinogen level and immunological parameters, including immunoglobulin (Ig) G and IgM, were measured using an Auto Analyzer (Seegene, Seoul, Korea). The BUN/Cr ratio was also calculated to assess muscle catabolism.
Blood smears and staining
One drop of blood from each sample was placed on a glass slide and gently spread using the edge of another glass slide. Blood smears were then air-dried, fixed in methanol, and stained according to the standard use of Leishman-Giemsa stain (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA).
Quantification of cell free DNA
Plasma samples were centrifuged at 4°C at 16,000×
g for 5 min to remove cell debris. The supernatant was diluted in sterile nuclease-free water at a 1:40 ratio for direct quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) measurement. The diluted plasma samples were stored at −20°C until they were analyzed. The cell free DNA (cfDNA) concentrations of the plasma were quantified using direct qPCR and a primer set (
Table 1), producing an 88-bp fragment of the chromosomal myostatin (MSTN) amplicon [
13]. Acting as a template, the diluted plasma was added to master mixer 20X Evagreen (SolGent, Seoul, Korea) containing 10 pmol primer set, 25 mM MgCl
2, 10 mM dNTPs, and 0.5 U BIOFACT
Taq DNA polymerase (BIOFACT, Seoul, Korea). Amplification was completed over 40 cycles.
Isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear cells
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) were isolated by the single-step centrifugation of whole blood samples onto a Polymorphprep application sheet (Axis-Shield, Oslo, Norway) according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Blood in the EDTA tube was layered onto the application sheet at a ratio of 1:1 and centrifuged at 500×g for 35 min. The PMN (granulocytes) and PBMC (lymphocyte and monocyte) layers were carefully collected and resuspended in 1× phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and then centrifuged at 14,000×g for 5 min to remove the supernatant. Cell pellets were stored at −80°C while awaiting RNA extraction.
RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis
Total RNA was extracted from horse PBMCs and PMNs using TRIzol (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The purity of the extracted RNA was confirmed by measuring absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm using a spectrophotometer (ND-1000, Nanodrop Technologies Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA). RNA of purity (optical density value of 260 nm/280 nm) greater than 1.8 was selected for further analysis and was stored at −80°C until further analysis. To synthesize cDNA, 1 μg of RNA was reverse transcribed for each sample using the SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen, Germany), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and real time-quantitative polymerase chain reaction
The NCBI ( and the Ensembl Genome Browser ( were used to retrieve gene sequence information. The primers used in the amplification of the genes (
Table 1) were synthesized using the PRIMER3 software ( Reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR and real-time qPCR were carried out using a C1000 Thermal Cycler (Bio Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) to measure the relevant expression of target genes. PCR products were separated using agarose gel electrophoresis and detected under UV light. Real-time qPCR was performed using master mixture Evagreen for 40 cycles. All measurements were carried out in triplicate for each sample, and the 2
−ΔΔCt method was used to determine relative gene expression. Gene expression was normalized using glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism 6. Data are represented as the means±standard error of the mean of three or five independent samples. The results were analyzed using analysis of variance and Student’s t-test and were considered significant when * p<0.05, ** p<0.01 or *** p<0.001.
The results of our study showed that a single bout of 30 min of exercise can trigger the alteration of some hematological and biochemical parameters in Jeju and Thoroughbred horses. Hyperthermia and increases in cortisol levels after exercise can induce ER stress in horses [
18]. We found that muscle catabolism in Jeju horses increased after exercise. Urea is the final catabolite of endogenous protein breakdown, while creatinine is the final catabolite of muscular robust metabolism [
21]. In both breeds, BUN was not altered by exercise, although in Jeju horses creatinine levels increased after exercise, leading to significant decreases in the BUN/Cr ratio. These findings suggest that the muscle tissues of Thoroughbred horses have a higher tolerance to exercise-induced muscle catabolism than that of the muscle tissue of Jeju horses.
During exercise, RBCs play a pivotal role in the trans portation of oxygen between the lungs and other tissues (oxygenation and deoxygenation) [
14]. In this study, the RBC count, Hb, and Hct of the blood of Thoroughbred horses were all significantly higher than those of the blood of Jeju horses after exercise. Conversely, exercise did not affect RBC indices in Jeju horses, and the size of the RBCs of both species were unaffected by exercise. RBC and blood flow determine transportation of oxygen during exercise. In this study, we found that RBC count was higher in Thoroughbred horses but heart rate was not different from Jeju horses. Although we did not exactly examine blood flow rate in this study, these results suggests that increased RBCs numbers in Thoroughbred horses may help to promote oxygen transportation during exercise. However, it notes that there is a possibility that reduction in the volume of plasma in the blood cause increased numbers of RBC in the blood. Exercise also increased blood viscosity via dehydration caused by sweating. Prior studies have found that an increase in total Hb of 1 g per kg body weight (g/kg) can increase VO
2·max in athletes to greater extent than that in non-athletes [
22]. This effect may explain our results. Thoroughbred horses have the best racing performance among horse breeds because they are able to quickly increase Hb-O
2 affinity to better supply their muscle tissues with oxygen during exercise.
Acute physical exercise and its associated stresses trigger the mobilization and activation of leukocytes, platelets, and fibrinolytic pathways [
23]. In our study, no changes in cfDNA levels were observed in blood of either breed after exercise, despite the induction of NETosis. cfDNA was used as an indicator of overtraining. Continuous exercise increases cfDNA levels in the blood [
17], and thus, the short periods of exercise used in our study may not have been sufficiently strenuous to induce cfDNA alteration. The different physiological stresses caused by exercise can increase the amount of cfDNA in the plasma, dependent upon the intensity and duration of the exercise, the associated metabolic stress, and the inflammatory response of leukocytes [
24]. cfDNA levels may not be associated with NETs during only short periods of exercise; however, NETs and reduced platelet counts were observed in blood smears from Jeju horses, which can be explained by the induction of NETosis. Activated platelets mediate NETosis via the effects of P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 during neutrophil binding. NET components such as DNA, histone, and granular proteins (elastase, cathepsin G, and myeloperoxidase) also activate platelets and serve as scaffolding for the assembly and aggregation of platelets [
16]. In addition, the complement level (C4) in Jeju horses was higher than that in Thoroughbred horses (data not shown) likely because the machinery systems of NETosis and the complement and coagulation systems overlapped [
25]. Relative to Thoroughbred horses, in Jeju horses, the neutrophils and platelets more actively responded to exercise-induced stresses.
Muscle degradation during exercise can activate numerous inflammatory responses. This stress-induced mechanism not only involves the muscle tissue but also the peripheral blood cells, such as the WBCs, which are important components of the immune system [
26]. A single bout of exercise significantly alters human
PBMC and
PMN gene expression, which is characterized in many cases by the abrupt activation and deactivation of genes associated with stress, inflammation, and tissue repair [
28]. According to the results of the stress gene expression assays in horse PBMCs and PMNs, we confirmed that
HSP72 and
HSPA6 were upregulated after exercise in both breeds. HSPs are highly conserved proteins that play key roles in cellular repair and protection. The HSP family is involved in stress resistance, protein folding, stabilization, and shuttling functions in response to stress [
9]. In our experiment,
HSPA6 was clearly upregulated after exercise, more so in Jeju horse PBMCs than in Thoroughbred horse PBMCs. No significant differences in
HSPA6 expression was observed in PMNs between the two breeds. These results indicate that the lymphocyte and monocyte populations of Jeju horses can sensitively respond to exercise-induced stress even after only 30 min of exercise.
We assessed the expression of immune related gene in cluding various chemokine receptors and only
CXCR4 was upregulated following exercise. Muscle injury during exercise activated the WBCs to facilitate the alteration of the pro-inflammatory environment to an anti-inflammatory environment and aided in the regulation of the activation, expansion, and differentiation of muscle stem cells during muscle regeneration. Skeletal muscle regeneration is a complex process composed of multiple steps. Inflammatory responses play central roles in bridging initial muscle injury responses and timely muscle injury repair [
29]. In human studies, PBMCs are often cultured with plasma obtained from before and after exercise or using glucocorticoid. Okutsu et al [
30] found that cortisol or after-exercise plasma treatment enhanced CXCL12 augmented CXCR4 expression in T lymphocytes in a dose- and time-dependent manner [
30]. Several cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, and IL-1β, are secreted not only by macrophages but also by T cells to facilitate muscle regeneration [
29]. CXCR4 was expressed to a higher extent in Thoroughbred horses than in Jeju horses; therefore, Thoroughbred horse immune cells may have a greater ability to mitigate muscle damaged site effectively and get involved in muscle repair process, relative to Jeju horses. Changes of chemokine expression in muscle tissue and chemokine receptor expression in blood immune cells and their functional role in muscle recovery following exercise need to be done for future study.
In this study, we identify a number of characteristics specific to Jeju and Thoroughbred horses. The differences in hematological and biochemical parameters and the variation in immunological gene expression between the two breeds may explain their unique physiological and anatomical properties. Compared to Jeju horses, Thoroughbred horse physiology is more suited to racing, as it allows for more efficient oxygen transportation, has a higher tolerance to exercise-induced stress, and lower muscle catabolism and facilitates more rapid muscle recovery. This study will aid in elucidating the linkage between exercise-induced stresses and physiological alteration. The results will prompt further studies of utilizing novel traits to improve exercise performance in Jeju and Thoroughbred horses.