The data within the first 305 DIM (M1) and from 306 to 450 DIM (M2) during the first and later lactations were analyzed separately by using different single-trait RR animal models.
Model_M1, which was applied to TD milk records in M1 (Y1), was
Where TYM
i is the fixed test-year–month effect
i; b
jm is the
mth fixed regression coefficient specific to parity
j (one level for the first lactation, and four levels each for the second through fifth lactations); u
km and p
km are mth RR coefficients specific to cow
k for AG and PE effects, respectively; w(t
m is a covariate associated with DIM
tkl for TD record
l of cow
k; and e
ijkl is a random residual effect associated with Y1. The covariates of the fixed regression coefficient for parity effect are fifth-order Legendre polynomials [
14], with the exponential term of the Wilmink function (e
−0.05t) as a sixth-order covariate [
16]. The covariates of the RR coefficients for AG and PE effects are second-order Legendre polynomials [
18] in accordance with the official genetic evaluation model for production traits in Japan [
19]. Generally, herd effect for TD records was included in the RR-TD model. Because only the records of cows with extremely long lactations (i.e., more than 451 days) were used for analysis, it was difficult to make a contemporary group of each herd and to reliably estimate herd effects and AG effects simultaneously in our preliminary study. Therefore, we did not account for herd effect in the model. The mean square errors that we obtained (
Figure 2) were similar to the residual variances reported by Bohmanova et al [
5] which account for herd effect. Therefore, we consider that the estimation accuracies of the models in our current study are similar to those in another study [
5] that accounted for herd effect.
Model_M2, which was applied to TD milk records in M2 (Y2), was
Where the definitions of elements are the same as those described earlier for Model_M1. We set two combinations of the orders for the covariates of fixed (p) and random (q) regressions in Model_M2; the covariates of fixed and RR are second- and first-order Legendre polynomials (F2R1) and third- and second-order Legendre polynomials (F3R2), respectively.
Model_all, which applied to the whole TD milk records within the first 450 DIM (YA), was
Where the definitions of elements are the same as those for Model_M1 and Model_M2, as discussed. The covariates of the fixed regression are sixth-order Legendre polynomials, with the exponential term of the Wilmink function as the seventh-order covariate, and the covariates of the RR are third-order Legendre polynomials.
The covariance structures for all models were defined as
G and
P are AG and PE (co)variance square matrices, respectively, of RR coefficients; ⊗ is the Kronecker product;
A is the AG relationship for animals;
R is the identity matrix for cows; and
R is a diagonal matrix of residual variance for each record. The DMU program [
20] was used for REML to estimate the variance components and obtain the solutions of the regression coefficients for AG and PE effect. Mean square errors (
∑i=1n(Yi-Y^i)2/n) of every 15 successive DIM for Model_M1, Model_M2, and Model_all were compared.