The open reading frame encoded a 255 amino acid residue protein with an isoelectric point (pI) of 5.07 and a predicted molecular mass of 26,486.43 Da (≈26.49 kDa). The recombinant protein corresponded to the expected molecular mass of 25.47 kDa as judged by SDS-PAGE and the expression product was detected in the supernatant of the Pichia pastoris (
Figures 3A, B). The protein consists of 118 hydrophobic amino acids (Ala, Ile, Leu, Phe, Trp, and Val), 57 Polar amino acids (Asn, Cys, Gln, Ser, Thr, and Tyr), 12 strongly basic amino acids (Lys and Arg) and 19 strongly acidic amino acids (aspartic acid [Asp] and glutamic acid [Glu]). Alignment of amino acid sequences of SPLUNC1 cDNA against amino acid sequences from other species revealed SPLUNC1 protein shared 98.4%, 96.9%, 94.5%, 90.2%, 80.8%, 78.4%, 78.3%, 72.5%, 72.3%, 68.8% identity with those of SPLUNC1 cDNA from
Ovis aries (accession no. NP_ 001288334.1),
Capra hircus (accession no. XP_005688516.1),
Pantholops hodgsonii (accession no. XP_005979709.1),
Bos taurus (accession no. NP_776851.1),
Felis catus (accession no. XP_0069 29910.1),
Homo sapiens (accession no. NP_001230122.1),
Sus scrofa (accession no. NP_001005727.1),
Chinchilla lanigera (accession no. NP_001269294.1),
Mus musculus (accession no. NP_035256.2), and
Rattus norvegicus (accession no. NP_742028.1), respectively (
Figure 4). The phylogenetic tree generated from nucleotide sequences (
Figure 4) revealed a close relationship between Argali and
Ovis aries.