Evaluation of citrus fiber as a natural alternative to sodium tripolyphosphate in marinated boneless broiler chicken breast and inside beef skirt (transversus abdominis)
Kendal R. Howard, Cheyenne L. Runyan, Allen B. Poe, Andrew M. Cassens, Lea A. Kinman
Anim Biosci. 2024;37(1):116-122.   Published online 2022 Nov 13     DOI: https://doi.org/10.5713/ab.22.0145
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Unraveling the Complexities of Beef Marination: Effect of Marinating Time, Marination Treatments, and Breed
Sena Ardicli, Ozge Ardicli, Hakan Ustuner
Foods.2024; 13(18): 2979.     CrossRef