Simplified Slow Freezing Program Established for Effective Banking of Embryonic Stem Cells
Gil Ah Kim (Kim GA), Seung Tae Lee (Lee ST), Eun Ju Lee (Lee EJ), Jung Kyu Choi (Choi JK), Jeong Mook Lim (Lim JM)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2009;22(3):343-349.   Published online 2009 Mar 4     DOI:
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Improved viability of freeze-thawed embryonic stem cells after exposure to glutathione
Gil Ah Kim, Seung Tae Lee, Ji Yeon Ahn, Jong Heum Park, Jeong Mook Lim
Fertility and Sterility.2010; 94(6): 2409.     CrossRef