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The Effects of Dietary Supplementation of L-carnitine and Humic Substances on Performance, Egg Traits and Blood Parameters in Laying Hens
Sakine Yal챌캇n (Yal챌캇n S), Ahmet Erg체n (Erg체n A), B체lent 횜zsoy (횜zsoy B), Suzan Yal챌캇n (Yal챌캇n S), Handan Erol (Erol H), 캅lyas Onba힊캇lar (Onba힊캇lar ì)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2006;19(10):1478-1483. Published online 2006 Aug 2 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2006.1478
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