Effects of Unprocessed or Steam-flaked Corn Based Diets with or without Enzyme Additive on In Vivo Nutrient Digestibility and Distribution of Corn Particles in the Feces of Holstein Steers
S. Y. Lee (Lee SY), W. Y. Kim (Kim WY), J. Y. Ko (Ko JY), J. K. Ha (Ha JK)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2002;15(5):708-712. Published online 2002 May 1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2002.708
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Excretion rates of indigestible plastic balls of different specific gravities and diameters in dairy cattle
Tomohiro Seyama, Hirofumi Hirayasu, Koji Kasai
Animal Science Journal.2017; 88(1): 94. CrossRef