The effects of somatotropin passive immunization on milk yield, plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations in rats
S. S. Sun (Sun SS), K. Jang (Jang K), K. Kuk (Kuk K), K. H. Myung (Myung KH), Y. J. Choi (Choi YJ)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 1997;10(3):324-328. Published online 1997 Jun 1 DOI:
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Oxytocin, prolactin and somatostatin in lactating sows: associations with mobilisation of body resources and maternal behaviour
A. Valros, M. Rundgren, M. Špinka, H. Saloniemi, F. Hultén, K. Uvnäs-Moberg, M. Tománek, P. Krejcı, B. Algers
Livestock Production Science.2004; 85(1): 3. CrossRef