Supplementation of grazing sheep with barley grain verses urea-molasses blocks at maslakh range of baluchista, Pakistran
I. H. Mirza (Mirza IH), M. A. Naqvi (Naqvi MA), A. H. Syed (Syed AH), A. Qudoos (Qudoos A)
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 1990;3(3):219-223.   Published online 1990 Sep 1     DOI:
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Effect of strategic supplementation with multi-nutrient urea molasses blocks on body weight and body condition score of Lohi sheep owned by tenants of Pakistan
M. Rafiq, S. Mumtaz, N. Akhtar, M.F. Khan
Small Ruminant Research.2007; 70(2-3): 200.     CrossRef