- Animal Behavior and Welfare
- Effect of knife castration on leukocyte cytokine expression and indicators of stress, pain, and inflammation in Korean cattle bull calves
Seonpil Yoo, Seok-Hyun Beak, Hyeok Joong Kang, Da Jin Sol Jung, Dilla Mareistia Fassah, InHyuk Jeong, Seung Ju Park, Md Najmul Haque, Myunghoo Kim, Myunggi Baik
Anim Biosci. 2023;36(3):521-528. Published online January 8, 2023
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Yixin Wang, Long Jin, Jideng Ma, Li Chen, Yuhua Fu, Keren Long, Silu Hu, Yang Song, Dazhi Shang, Qianzi Tang, Xun Wang, Xuewei Li, Mingzhou Li
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2018;31(2):189-197. Published online October 20, 2017
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- Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Effects of Castration on Androgen Receptor, IGF-I Ea, MGF and Myostatin Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscles of Male Pigs
Yuchang Yao, Zhaowei Cai, Lifan Zhang, Chunjiang Zhao, Keliang Wu, Ningying Xu, Gang Liu, Changxin Wu
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2009;22(8):1069-1077. Published online June 26, 2009